Take the time to answer the below questions. sit back and use your imagination and creativity. Write the answers, let it lie, talk about it with people you know and form a picture of your path. It is a process of discovery and small steps. If you have more insight on your experience, capabilities and desire and how the pieces fit together, it becomes a lot easier to connect to your ambitions and qualities in an interview.
1. You have had many different functions. Put all functions at a glance and ask yourself:
What have I learned?
What did I discover about myself?
Which moments did I not want to miss?
When I was at my best?
2. You feel stuck in the pattern of your current job.
Ask yourself: what do I not want anymore? This is an important question to explore since this makes sure you are not ending up in the same job in the next encounter. Depending on the answer you can see if you can exert influence on it or that it is indeed wise to initiate a search for another function and work environment.
Then you ask yourself: what do I like to take out my current job. That could be anything, nice colleagues, satisfied customers, close to home, whatever. That may be a condition for you if you are going to orient to a new function.
3. You come across a number of features that appeal to you. In addition, you follow a management training. This is still quite wide. It is good to grasp the thread herein. In other words, what is your desire? What do you expect from your new job or when you have completed the training? What should your new job bring you? If you know what values represent for those jobs, you can attract wider than just the jobs that you mentioned. It may even be that you find that you do not want to take that value take form in your work, but in your private life.
Good luck with your journey and remember: the path is the goal!
Would you need any support this process, please contact us and make an appointment!